monday first post of new decade 2010 hootwah, jobhunting so no time to worry when my daftness on these pages gets me dumped, it sounds like insane rubbish but the purpose is to provide a unique minority worldview, and ideally bring like minds together, a seed and catalyst for change, and not an attempt to impress women. In the past I had dialogue with fringe elements within the medical and justice communities. Systemic abuse and corruption is not a theory but a reality. But as one police officer had warned me, an investigation into lost time leads to the improbable. And in the real world both the improbable and impossible are invalid conclusions. Time and futility have removed me from the frontlines. I understand my limitations. If I find myself in a hotbed of human chess I am not to be free of it. That is my misfortune. Yet I celebrate what joys I have in life. To be held and kissed and sing of Love, the grail. When our parched souls drink. I am so lucky right now to have moments with the beautiful foxy Roxy. But since that stupid workplace injury my words are too few, my mind too still, my motivation sunk like the Titanic. Now is when I need a grand voice and 16bucks an hour. Not a forgotten year when it gets wasted on bike. The noose tightens. I swim less in the cold ocean waters at Grantham's Landing and forage craigslist for jobs, sending out resumes. There is no work in Gibsons and the Sunshine Coast. Usually people just give me jobs and I make money with grunt sweat. And extra beer money from IT on the side. I bike to Whistler or Vancouver in the morning. HMV Lady Beagle and I go forth and wage battle. Lady Beagle is my specialized epic, see pictures of her on my flickr. Maybe I can sell poems on Robson. I was all gung-ho telling my sister of the idea. I would so much just like to find something here, even at home data entry, but it is not in the cards. Anyhoo went to the polar bear swim here and my Captain Nemo swim team training paid off with a smashing victory of furthest and longest. This is a good start. Much happiness to all in the new year, may your bellies be full, and smiles many. kisses Kristaps
Previous Posts
- Today was worldnudebikeday and it was friggin awes...
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- here is just a composite of random rants you know ...
- restarting glossary posts and the 'brief history o...
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- Short bike up the meadows then have some old cold ...
- yo word spent the summer working on a farm in Pemb...
- Watched the Oscars good fun. Must say wow Selma Ha...
- from some other blog Dear President Bush, Thank y...
- edited kind of a whiny blog
At February 15, 2010 at 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
how come no one is commenting? you are never gonna change are you !?
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