more filler .....
plentyoffish has a forum with some poetry threads, one asked contributors to write about repressed malevolent desires....
I am an altruist herbivore so I have no malevolent desires that need to be repressed, of course as a biological organism I should have the right to express as a natural mammal should, rejoicing in the sun, and lucky am I to sometimes live in Vancouver or Whistler where we have nude beaches, and once a year I can bike naked dt or protest with PETA, but what if it were not so that 'all men are born free but everywhere in chains', what if I woke up one day and ran naked down Robson and Denman then found Bacchic rites at English Bay, and got ravished by a horde of drunken women, but minus the cannibalism, lots of grapes and no dead cows, ok lets work it.....
Mother breathe deep and swell your waters
inhale the robots that have hammered men
like nails into the earth buried and dead
forgotten from the light
digested like food and made into dark works
that hurt your children and rape the land
monsters of death and destruction
a garden has burned into chaos and hunger,
Mother breathe deep to fill your lungs
and clear the sky
so the sun can nurture
the broken orphan seeds
Mother breathe
and we shall walk naked and free
more fish same night, in response to a thread with a spelling mistake, that is a thread titled 'lick at this picture'
I licked a picture see then the picture licked at me
I licked a little more, picture said I was whore
spanked that picture good,
like a licking picture should
spank me in return,
until self and picture burn
I blush,
picture likes that alot, says I am so very hot,
picture wants some more,
you are a nasty whore,
lick a little closer,
lick and never stop,
when you lick a picture
you must lick of every drop
I licked a post
at first I thought I licked
a picture
but that was because I thought I was at the
Ellen and Portia de Rossi wedding
and they thought my dancing was so funky
I got invited into their chambers for some playtime,
and I was liplocked with worlds hottest woman Portia,
tooth to tooth and tongues dancing like frakkin serpents,
and Ellen biting me on the neck and cheek and ear,
[ear nibbles and nipple kisses :D]
hard so there are marks, nice of her,
well you get the picture,
and you want to lick the picture right!
but I have no luck to lick the lovely ladies so,
I lick a post with my tale,
of lonely wanton licking woes,
ouch that deserves a spanking, bad poet bad, :devil:
At January 4, 2010 at 5:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
At February 7, 2010 at 7:10 PM,
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